Monday, May 11, 2015

Celebrating Glamor | Alberta Photographer

Sometimes you just need to feel like a rock star and celebrate you! 

Lot's of women turn to boudoir to celebrate themselves and be reminded of how beautiful they truly are...........but what about the women who aren't quite ready for the full boudoir experience. There is always a reason to celebrate and feel good in your skin. How truly amazing to have a timeless photo that you can look back on for years to come. Not new but highly overlooked, "The Glamor Session".

This session is for you and all about you at any age and any stage in the game. A way to celebrate your beauty and feel good in every aspect. Why do 1 year old's only get to celebrate? Birthdays rock at every age. Your grad, your wedding great moments but now let's celebrate conquering life. True beauty and feeling beautiful is timeless and I think documenting this is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

I love boudoir and would highly recommend it to anyone it is the best high you will ever have, Glamor is just another avenue of it and is just as great! 
We associate stigmas to the word boudoir but really it is showcasing beauty in all forms and all styles.

I will be doing a few of these example posts over the next while to show off exactly what I mean and how empowering it can be.

Are you ready to celebrate YOU!

Thank you to Courtney Nickerson, Darlene Brink Makeup Artistry and Julie's Elegant Crafts

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